Prayer & Fasting

January 9 (at midnight) - January 30 (after service)

The Supernatural Life 

Experiencing the Power of Christ

The year 2022 was a year of God's supernatural power being manifested in our lives. Let’s bring our focus back and trust God for His goodness and love during our time of prayer and fasting.

As we journey through this 21-day fast together, we look forward to hearing how God shows up for you. May God bless you!

Pastor Tanya Stokes, Lead Pastor

Why Fast?

Fasting helps to deepen, to confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything and to attain what we seek for - the kingdom of God (Andrew Murray).

Fasting leads to a more intimate relationship with God.
Grow closer in your relationship with God as you focus on Him during fasting and prayer.
Supernatural guidance/answers
God will guide you and bring the needed solutions for situations in your life.
Direction in fulfilling your God-given purpose.
Receive direction from God as to how He desires to get the glory out of your life.
Helps us hear more clearly when God speaks to us.
Increase your ability to hear God in a new way.
Power in Prayer
New levels of power will be released as you dig into the presence of God.
Breaking bonds of wickedness and destroying spiritual yokes.
Experience a release from bondages and yokes that are hindering your walk with Christ.
Miraculous occurrences of healing, deliverance and the salvation of loved ones.
Get ready for the manifestation of God's grace in your life and in your family.
Become more disciplined
During fasting, we are disciplining our flesh in order to submit it in obedience to God.
Reminds us that God desires to spend time with us.
God's desire is to spend intimate time with us each and every day. God delights in His people.
Reminds us that we need God
We humble ourselves under God's mighty hand realizing that he is our sufficiency.
Fasting cleanses our body as well as our soul. We experience renewed strength, spiritual and natural.

What type of fast are we doing?

January 9 through January 30, we will engage in a Daniel Fast, which consists of fresh/frozen fruits & vegetables, yams, brown rice, oatmeal, beans, 100% juices, herbal teas and broths.  Refrain from meats, sweets, breads, fried food, snacks, dairy, processed foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, gum, white rice, potatoes, pastas.

Inspired by Daniel—one of the Bible’s great prophets—who, despite living in a culture steeped in pagan practices, chose intimacy with God. Daniel avoided meats, rich foods, and wine. God honored his obedience. He took Daniel and made him even better.

Other Fasting Options: These are only suggestions! Remember, whatever you commit to do is between you and God. He will honor your sacrifice.

1. Fast from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or from sunrise to sunset.
2. Eat one meal a day, but no fried foods, sweets, caffeine, snack foods, etc.
3. Skip one meal a day, but eliminate sweets, caffeine, fried foods, snack foods, etc.

Fasting Tips

The following are some invaluable tips that will make your time of fasting more enjoyable and fulfilling: 

  • Inform household members that you will be fasting to prevent misunderstanding.
  • If you have health-related problems and take prescription medications, consult your physician before the fast.
  • Prepare spiritually through personal consecration, repentance, and forgiving others.
  • Remove all distractions that would keep you from prayer and the word.
  • Expect hunger pains and mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability (due to withdrawal from caffeine and sugars) during the fast.
  • Limit physical activity, and if desired, only exercise moderately during the fast.
  • Replace leisure activities with increased times of prayer and Bible study.
  • Do not overeat when the time comes to end your fast.
  • If you don’t receive answers from your time of prayer and fasting, do not be discouraged. Ask God for clarity and wait for His answer!

Pray with Us During the Fast

Prayer Line:  Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m.   |   Mondays 8:30 p.m.   |   Wednesdays (after service)

In the Sanctuary:  Saturdays 9:00 a.m.

FWCC 12-Hour Prayer Chain 

Saturday, January 29   |   8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Join us for our 12-hour prayer chain on the FWCC prayer line as we seek God for His blessings to manifest among us! 

Add your strength for 1 hour!  Sign up in the foyer or sign up below!

Prayer Line:  1-605-313-4822  /   Access Code: 701906#
Please indicate your time slot when signing up for the prayer chain!

How Can We Pray for You?

Let us know how we can pray for you during your fast!