The Heart of Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is focused on helping people overcome their struggles using Biblically-based practices, as well as helping people advance in their relationship with Christ. Whether its personal, marital, or spiritual challenges, we are here for you. Our team is available to help you in the event you need ministry of any kind. We want to make sure you’re getting the care you need. The pastoral staff is comprised of Biblically trained ministers and pastors who are available to meet with you. Individual and family sessions are available through appointments.
Baby Dedication
Dedicating your baby is a public testimony of your intent to raise your child in the Christian faith, with the hope that he or she will one day make a personal commitment to Christ as their Savior. Dedications are held on the third Sunday every two months during the 10 a.m. service. Children should be between the ages of 1 month and 2 years old. Parents and guardians who want to have their child dedicated should call the administrative office once baby dedication is announced.

If you are interested in being baptized, or just curious, you are on the right track. Baptism literally means to be immersed in water. It is a physical act of obedience by which a person identifies himself or herself with Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. Baptism is held every three months and candidates are asked to review baptism information that is sent prior to the baptism service. Children who are 12 years and under will be interviewed to determine their level of understanding of salvation and readiness for the baptism experience.

Bereavement and Illness
Support During Loss
Pastoral Care provides compassionate support to those dealing with the pain of losing a loved one. The team is trained to not only help with the grieving and healing process, but to assist with funeral and memorial service planning.
Pastoral Care provides compassionate support to those dealing with the pain of losing a loved one. The team is trained to not only help with the grieving and healing process, but to assist with funeral and memorial service planning.
Hospital Visitation
Our heart is to to share God’s unconditional love to those who are suffering, spread hope and encourage faith in the Lord. Pastoral Care provides support when you are experiencing physical illness or faced with major surgery. We want you to know that you are not alone and we will gladly visit with and pray for you during your time of recovery.
Our heart is to to share God’s unconditional love to those who are suffering, spread hope and encourage faith in the Lord. Pastoral Care provides support when you are experiencing physical illness or faced with major surgery. We want you to know that you are not alone and we will gladly visit with and pray for you during your time of recovery.
Pre-Martial Counseling
The premarital counseling process ensures every couple a full, thorough and concise preparation process for marriage. In light of the attacks on marriages in the church, those looking to get married must arm themselves before making this major decision. God’s intention was that marriage was to be until “death do us part”. The premarital counseling ensures that couples are fully equipped for their covenant relationship and prepares them for a lifetime commitment of marriage. Family Our counseling process is six months in length.
Family & Individual Counseling
There are times when we need help in getting over the hump. Our counseling services provide you with the tools you need to grow and develop in your relationship with Christ, as well as identify things that may be impeding your growth. We offer counseling for married couples, individuals and families.
The premarital counseling process ensures every couple a full, thorough and concise preparation process for marriage. In light of the attacks on marriages in the church, those looking to get married must arm themselves before making this major decision. God’s intention was that marriage was to be until “death do us part”. The premarital counseling ensures that couples are fully equipped for their covenant relationship and prepares them for a lifetime commitment of marriage. Family Our counseling process is six months in length.
Family & Individual Counseling
There are times when we need help in getting over the hump. Our counseling services provide you with the tools you need to grow and develop in your relationship with Christ, as well as identify things that may be impeding your growth. We offer counseling for married couples, individuals and families.

Referrals to Outside Agencies/Ministries
The Pastoral Care department’s goal is to connect people with resources and/or resource providers in the community when the current need and situation is outside of Family Worship's ability to fully meet it. We have a list of community resources on hand that include emergency services, food banks and housing needs just to name a few. Resources available from the community providers vary from one institution to another.